2019 Final Results
The season has ended and everyone has locked into their final positions. It was heck of a last week with multiple people coming close to 10-0 but ultimately, Matty V. won going 9-1 with 53 points. In the WIld Card, 2 of the final 5 stepped up and gained the top spots: Garrett B. and Ryan K.
Final Trends:
Latte B. had about as close to a wire to wire run as you can really do in this. A truly dominating performance. Didn’t leave the top 3 since Week 3 and held the #1 overall spot since Week 5.
Garrett B. had a great last week as well jumping him up 2 spots from 4 to 2 overall and securing the top Wild Card spot for the season. 2nd year in a row with a double winner!
Jeremy M. and Ryan T. both had very similar high performing seasons. Jeremy was in the top 5 overall every week since Week 5, and Ryan was top 3 overall every week since Week 8. It came down to 3 points between them that put Ryan T in the 3rd spot and left Jeremy at 4th overall.